Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Shutterfly Giveaway
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Fun!
We found Katelyn's costume first, she was an alien, and we thought it was so cute so we took the theme and ran with it! My shirt had glow in the dark stars on it and Mike was an astronaut! Pretty creative huh!

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hidden Chocolate

Blog Dedication

This is a picture of our dog Annie (the left) and my inlaw's dog Sandi (the right). This picture doesn't do the size difference of these two dogs any justice. Annie is probably 1/6 the size of Sandi, if not smaller. But you know that saying it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog? That very much applies to our little Annie. She is playing tug of war with a sock with this big dog! Needless to say, she didn't win, but she gave it a good fight and once she even got the sock away from her! (but the rest of the time she was tossed around like a rag dog) But hey, they had fun!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Housewife success!
Thanks to my mom, sister, and grandma I have made several different recipes over the last few weeks. I made banana bread, a chicken and rice recipe, stir fry, and a few other things, go me!
The next adventure was a little more aggressive. I watch way too many cake decorating shows, cake boss, ace of cakes, famous cakes, ultimate cake-off, and many others. I have always wanted to try fondant on a cake, but I have heard that fondant is super hard to use. I have a good friend who was willing to let me use her expertise (and her kitchen!) to attempt this task! We bought all the stuff we would need and we used a special recipe for Marshmallow Fondant, which is supposed to be slightly easier to use. It was sooooo much fun! It was a little labor intensive but not too bad. Here are some pictures!

Here is my friend mixing up the fondant. It looks way sticky but it was pretty easy to knead and make it firm.
I forgot to take a photo of the middle step, of just putting the fondant on, but we put the fondant on the cake and then decorated it with frosting. So much fun!

I'm going to try and keep updating my blog more often, it's a work in progress but I'm working on it!